Friday, 28 July 2017

Summer Butterflies

A few days off work and i was hoping for sunshine and a some Summer Butterflies. Out with Phil, the weather wasn't great but we still managed 15 species and completed my last WCBS survey square for July. At Tottenham the Chalkhill Blues were out in force with many mating.
A Bucknell Wood this morning it was great to see a some wood whites sill on the wing in the rides. The colder weather meant that they were not flying all the time so when spotted we managed to get some good photo's as they settled.
I was surprised how many Red Admiral's we saw. I have also seen really good numbers this year. They conditions must be suiting then and having a really good year, the look really striking when they are fresh.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

WT Ecology groups conference

Was luck enough today to present some of the results from our Aquatic Invertebrates project for the BCN wildlife trust.
We are starting to generate some really good data now to help the reserve management and it was great to demonstrate that.
It was a great event well attended and met up with a number of people we hadn't seen for a while. The presentations were extremely interesting and was a a show of the diversity of monitoring from Butterflies, reserves, Birds, Dormice to aquatic insects.