I started the autumn Nene Valley invertebrate monitoring programme this weekend with trips to Wilsons Pit and Twywell hills and dales. Del pinched my camera and took a couple of photos, this one looks as though i was praying!
I didn't need to though as there were plenty of beetles around.
At Tywell there 10 species of water beetle including Graptodytes pictus, Gyrinus marinus and the 3 main species of Anacaena. In addition 5 Species Water bug including Notonecta viridus
At Wilsons Pit 13 species water beetle including Hygrobia hermanni, Nebrioporus elegans and Hydroglyphus puscillus. As well as 12 great species of water bugs including Micronecta Scholzi, Sigara limitata and Sigara nigrolineata.
A great start just at the end of the nice weather. perhaps I should be praying for better weather!!